Monday, September 30, 2013

It's a Girl...Lottie will have a little sister

Last week we found out the exciting news that Lottie will have a little sister! We had a small reveal to find out the gender, our local photographer Sarah from Sincerely, Sarah captured some great photos of us cutting into our cake to see pink or blue.  We saw PINK! 


Friday, September 27, 2013

Month Six

Six months has flown by and we are loving life with Lottie Lee.  Its hard to watch her grow so fast but honestly we feel we are enjoying every single moment.  Lottie continues to grow and change right before our eyes.  She loves her school/daycare and we couldn't be more pleased with her teacher, friends and setting, what an amazing blessing.  Lottie is now self-feeding- which is a huge milestone and so thankful for her teacher Tianna who was patient and kind helping teaching her this important skill.  Lottie is socializing with friends and will wave hello and goodbye.  She is even starting to bond with some of the younger girls in her class.  She is also participating in finger plays and circle time- she loves twinkle twinkle and singing if your happy and you know it.  She is also sleeping on her own cot with all the other "big" kids!  We LOVE Tianna, and feel 100% confident with our decision, she truly loves Lottie and we never need to worry about Lottie during our work days.  It is the most comforting feeling and has made this transition so easy for our little family.  We feel so blessed to have all these pieces fall into place.
This month we celebrated so many wonderful occasions. Lottie celebrated her first birthday with her family. We also celebrated our Referral-versary on September 20th, hard to belive it has been one year since we laid eyes on our beautiful daughter.   Lottie was the flower girl in her Aunt Anne and Uncle Nate's wedding ( we will post pictures soon).  Lottie did an excellent job, she walked slowly down the aisle, smiling and stopping along the way.  She had so much fun and sat through the entire dinner, even eating half of mommy's dinner.  She was too excited to sleep and stayed up until midnight.  We also celebrated Lottie's first Moon Festival at home.  We bought homemade mooncakes from our local Chinese bakery.  Scott enjoyed talking with owner, sharing stories about our adventures in China and of course sharing photos of our sweet baby girl.  Lottie brought mooncakes to school and wore her pretty purple Chinese silks.  Her amazing teacher spent the day making moon crafts , she even found some Chinese coloring pages for all the children to learn about this special Chinese holiday.  We are so proud that Lottie is already teaching others about her heritage.
This has definitely been our busiest month home so far and it has been a joy to have Lottie experience all these firsts!  Now we will find our if Lottie is having a baby brother or sister in the next couple days and will be sure to share the news!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Secret is out....Lottie Lee the BIG sister

Well the news is out...we can no longer hide it, our family is growing!  On May 31, we learned that we were expecting a baby & due February 1, 2014.  Although we planned this pregnancy it did come as a bit of surprise how fast it happened.  We are so blessed to have our Lottie & excited to watch our family grow (very quickly), it was always part of our plan!  But don't worry, we will be adopting again! We hope to start a family blog in the upcoming months and will be posting more often to there.  But of course we will be giving monthly updates on Love, Laughter, Lottie Lee.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Referral-versary Lottie Lee

One year ago today, we received the best news in regards to our adoption.  We were matched with a baby girl in Weinan, China.  Today we are in awe of our darling daughter and how far she has come these past few months since we were united in March 2013.  We are taking some special Referral-versary photos this weekend and will post more details soon!

Here are some links to learn more about that special day 1 year ago!