Sunday, November 25, 2012

Joy in all Things

Wanted to share how amazing story of faith and love.  We stumbled on to this sweet family's blog about a year ago  and have followed their journey to China to bring home their beautiful daughter, Ivy Joy.  Their story will touch you, make you believe in miracles, and that life is just what you make of it, please take the time and read their story about faith and finding corrective heart surgery for their precious daughter Ivy Joy.

"There are so many pieces to the puzzle that makes up Ivy Joy's life. The daddy who said, what are we waiting for, she needs to get home. The mommy that fought the fight of her life from the second we said yes, and right until this very day and forever. The sisters and brother who gave things up, sacrificed, prayed, and loved this little girl more than life every single second. The grandma and Aunty who are different people now, more thankful, more aware, and ultimately, changed because of the head over heels love they were overcome with when they met this little girl. The friends of my own kids friends, who have been touched, changed, overwhelmed, by the life and value of this once very sick baby girl.  The friend who I never met, praying with me at the wee hours of the night on the phone before we ever left for China. The friends, old and new who stepped in, offering anything they could come up with to make our decision to head to Boston, that much easier. The prayer warriors all around the world dedicating prayer after prayer after prayer to Ivy Joy while hearing God speak in thier own lives and finding new hope and stronger faith, all because God, and His works and this little girl. New families created because when we said yes, they found the faith to say yes too."

Lottie Lee supported Joy in all Things

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